Although I have many options of media, sizes and images, from time to time I do get asked if I can produce something special or bespoke for a customer. I am always open to these requests and will do my best.
It may be a particular object that means something special, or a specific cropping or size or even a combination of images.
Here is one example of three Framed Backlit pieces I produced for a customer this year.

The customer wanted something very special for his lovely home in the Caribbean. The request was a for a tryptic, actually three different images, each portrait, which complemented each other and at exact sizes to fit into a unit. Each image needed to be over 6 feet in depth and relatively narrow.
We discussed at length the image options, me cropping a range of images to see which went best together. In the end we settled for The Fighting Dragons of Ara, The Rosette and from the JWST Collection, The Pillars of Creation. The frame colours needed to be precise and we agreed on a RAL number colour to ensure the precise colour.
By mid summer they had been shipped and arrived safely and were installed with no problems.
And the results where stunning!

The customer lives in Canada but by chance was in London during the New Scientist Live exhibition and came to my stand. It was super to meet him!
Next month I'll show you another super commission for a customer in New York State.
If you would like to discuss something unique then do drop me a line at
Chris Baker.