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What's Up? - FEBRUARY 2025

Chris Baker

Each month I highlight a few objects you can spot in the night sky without the need for optical equipment.

It's another great month for the planets

Observing the Night Sky: February 2025

February 2025 offers an excellent celestial show of planets, with Venus shining brightly and in my view stealing the show!

Visible Planets


Mercury is always difficulty to spot given the way it follows the Sun. But later this month low down in the West just after sunset then it will be possible to spot it. Probably around the 23rd Feb is optimal as it is relatively bright and visible for a short time - around 18:00. It will be close to Saturn so don't mistake the two! (Be careful using Binoculars at that time!)

Following the 23rd it will be slightly higher although it is fading.

Mercury low in the west toward the month end

Courtesy of Stellarium


Venus is spectacular this month, shining brightly in the twilight sky. Look to the south west around 18:30 and especially in the early part of the month when it is close to Saturn and a crescent Moon.

Venus and the Crescent Moon around 18:30 on the 3rd

Courtesy of Stellarium


  • Observation Tips: Mars is visible in the night sky throughout February!

  • Look towards the south during the evening to find Mars. It appears as a reddish dot. It will appear just below two prominent stars of the constellation Gemini - Castor and Pollux.

  • Interesting Event: Mars near the Moon on the 9th

Mars mid evening looking south close to the two prominent stars of Gemini Castor of Pollux

Courtesy of Stellarium

Mars close to the Moon on the 9th Feb

Courtesy of Stellarium


  • Observation Tips: Jupiter is stunning again this month! It is visible in the south-western sky loitering in the constellation Taurus. Its bright, steady glow makes it easy to identify. It is visible in the night sky all month.

  • Interesting Event: Look for the planet close to the red star Aldebaran

Jupiter mid evening mid month close to the red star of Taurus Aldebaran.

Courtesy of Stellarium


  • Observation Tips: Saturn will be visible in the early evening, low in the south western sky. It’s best to observe shortly after sunset before it sets. You'll need to capture it early in February as it sinks ever lower as the month passes.

  • Interesting Event: Saturn close to Mercury - don't confuse the two!

Saturn low down in the west early in the month around 18:000

Courtesy of Stellarium

Enjoy the night sky this month and let me know about your observations

Thank you for reading this blog and do let me know if there is anything you would like me to add to my Newsletter each month.

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