Now available from Galaxy On Glass!
NGC 3132 was first discovered by astronomer John Herschel in 1835, and since then it has been extensively studied by astronomers using a range of telescopes and instruments. The nebula is a valuable source of information for astronomers studying the late stages of stellar evolution, and it provides important insights into the formation of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs.
Overall, NGC 3132 is a beautiful and fascinating object that continues to capture the imagination of astronomers and stargazers alike.
Here it is explored in unprecedented detail by the James Webb Space Telescope. In this NIRCam image the bright star near centre is a companion of the dying star. In mutual orbit, the star whose transformation has ejected the nebula's gas and dust shells over thousands of years is the fainter stellar partner. Evolving to become a white dwarf, the faint star appears along the diffraction spike extending toward the 8 o'clock position. This stellar pair's orbital motion has resulted the complex structures within the Southern Ring Nebula.
This image was captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
Courtsey of NASA - Full ackowledgement must go to NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute' (STScI).
It is very much appreciated being able to use this iconic image.
This is available in all three widths (18"X 16", 32" X 30" and 48" X 44"). It comes in Acrylic, Aluminium and Framed Backlit all limited editions.
If you would like to order then pop along HERE to the shop.
Chris Baker